
     This page contains numerous pamphlets about the Bahá'í Faith and numerous topics reflected upon by the Bahá'í Revelation. All items are from sources available on the Internet, and the sources are usually stated in the pamphlets. These pamphlets can be downloaded as PDF files. Just click, download, print and fold and you're ready for your teaching campaigns.  

     Most items are for "duplex" printing, i.e., to be printed on both sides of sheets of paper. Some instructions are provided below.

To download, click on a title.
Bahá'í  Faith 
Pamphlets and...
Tests and Difficulties
Emancipation of Women
The Most Holy Tablet (Tablet to the Christians)
Prayer Booklet

----On one sheet of paper, printed in duplex, you will get TWO small prayer booklets! Very economical!
Regarding Science
Talk given by 'Abdu'l-Bahá at Stanford University, 1912
The Purpose of Life
----Intro to the Faith by Shoghi Effendi,  from the preface of The Promised Day is Come
Other Languages 
Prophecies Fullfilled PORTUGUESE
Et Cetera 
How to do Duplex Printing (with a Canon Printer)
if your printer can not do duplex printing, you can print on one side, then flip the sheet, and print on the other side. 
website and materials by John Warner, PhD

contact me for suggestions, corrections, etc.

​4856 NW 19th Street, Coconut Creek, FL 33063

My Facebook page:
The corner-stone of the foundation of all Bahá'í activity is teaching the Cause. As `Abdu'l-Bahá has categorically proclaimed in His Will and Testament, "the guidance of the nations and peoples of the world" is "the most important of all things", and "Of all the gifts of God the greatest is the gift of Teaching."

Compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, Guidelines for Teaching, 1990
Never stop teaching!
Need help in teaching? That is to say, help in: 
direct teaching, inviting people to core activities, visiting the homes of parents of children in your children's classes, doing firesides, or any activity meant to reflect the Light of the Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh to people in your area, well, contact us!

-Have Faith, Will Travel 

email me
email me
Statement on Nature
can be used for most environmentally-oriented events
Click for info on my book
New additions
The Bahá'í Fast



"Nothing whatsoever shall prevent these tongues from magnifying their Creator."

The Summons of the Lord of Hostsp. 12
The Promise of World Peace (full text)

The Promise of World Peace (pamphlet, excerpts)

Oops...please make sure that pamphlets have the correct Bahá'í phone number: 1-800 22-UNITE. A few were missing a digit. I think I corrected them all but might have missed one....thanks
Scanned Pamphlets from the North American 
House of Worship
The Manifestations of God

Click for info on my book
The Bahá'í Faith    The Spirit Way
The first PowerPoint is now available...below...
PowerPoint Presentations
Click on the "TEACHING LOOP" to download. It is a PowerPoint Slide Show that loops. There is no narration. You can play it on a laptop computer at a fair, park or some place and people can look at it as they go by. The complete show is about 30 minutes. If you wish, you can do your own narration, as you like. I made it for a table display at a noisy place where people would not be able to hear a narration.
PS-  well.... it seems that different computers run at different speeds, so this show could run faster or slower than the optimum. In other words, your computer might run faster or slower than the computer I used to set the timing on, so, well, that might be a bad thing! Please let me know how it goes. I might have to make  "slow" and "fast" versions! OR, you can change all the timings, just ask Google how to do it. 
Teaching Loop 
my company website, scientific articles and other here
On Good and Evil

SAMPLE INVITATIONS  for Events, Firesides, Core Activities, etc....
download and change to suit your needs
small invitation booklet for the Bicentennial or other event
four on one sheet invite
two on one sheet
Invites to print on business card stock Avery 5371
Suggestion: for on-going events, do not put on a specific date, just use something like "the 4th Sunday of each month." That way, your invites will always be good!
Life after Death
Love and Marriage
True Love

Here is a "For More Information/Activities" Sign-Up Sheet!  There are 2 forms per sheet.

Artículo escrito por el Sr. William Rodríguez 
del Ecuador
Bahá'í Unity Photo